学校新闻 & 更新 > 年终通讯



很难相信,我们已经进入学年的最后阶段了. 这个学年很快就要结束了, 我们的最后几周将会在繁忙的荣誉课程安排中飞逝而过, 年终庆典, 和毕业. 所有预定的活动都在英航网站日历上. 一定要经常检查! 我们期待在这些特别的活动中见到大家.

在我们即将结束的一年里, we start to look toward next year with our rising 6th and 9th grade orientations that will be held on May 4. 在您的电子邮件中查找更多信息! 将于5月11日开始升学. In our meetings, we will share information tips to prepare all these groups for the next level!

The Class of 2023 will be the largest graduating class in the history of BA with 53 students. We hope that you can join us at one of the many celebration opportunities – Senior Send Off, 学士学位, 校友的早餐, 和毕业. 我们为我们的前辈感到骄傲!

我们的建设和改造工程正在进行中,进展顺利! 学生 and staff have made a few adjustments to their routine and the flow of foot traffic after returning from Spring Break. 这是一个令人兴奋的时刻,在BA,看着建筑每天的变化. We will be sending out information before each event if we need to adjust access to events in May. 请务必阅读电子邮件并密切关注标牌.

我要感谢您选择澳门银河来教育您的学生, 祝大家平安, 充满家庭气息的夏日, 朋友, 和有趣的!





我们四岁的孩子一直在“跳进春天”!” They have so many great activities going on each week, and they are soaking up lots of learning!

他们庆祝圣。. 派翠克节用很多绿色和寻找一些鬼鬼祟祟的小妖精. 春天是一个有趣的季节,小鸡孵化,看着蝌蚪变成青蛙. 每个班都喜欢开复活节派对,找彩蛋.

他们每天在大小组、小组、中心时间和课间继续学习. 这是充满乐趣、友谊、成长和学习的神奇一年. 他们很快就要去幼儿园了!


Fifth graders at BA have been hard at work this spring to publish their very own book entitled “This Is Us.书中有一首传记诗和每位学生的全彩自画像.  During the month of February, the students learned how to write biography poems, and Mrs. 诺斯在美术课上帮助学生画插图.  最后的润色是在三月份完成的, 然后这本书被送到学生图书馆出版.  我们为这些五年级学生成为出版作家感到骄傲!




哇! 又一个成功的学年即将被载入史册! My family and I are looking forward to summer, just as many of you and your children are.

我们春季健康课的重点是健康. 在我们的3rd-5th 成绩, 我们说过要照顾好自己, 身体和精神, 特别是在标准化考试期间. 在K-2中nd 年级课上,我们讨论了屏幕时间. The students were given a Summer Break Screen Time Checklist with suggestions to get them off their screens and into other activities this summer. I hope parents and other caregivers will use them with our students this summer to keep them active. 今年夏天,澳门银河也提供了一些非常棒的夏令营!

如果你有一个初中生或初中生, please make sure to check on immunizations as you have health physicals or general physicals completed. 参加Bulloch Academy必须进行最新的免疫接种. 当我们夏天离开时,这里有一些关于阳光安全的提醒. Protect your skin from UV rays from the sun and from artificial sources like tanning beds and sunlamps. 经常向你的医生报告皮肤的变化. 同时享受户外活动的好处, 人们可以采取几种形式的防晒措施:待在阴凉处, 穿防护服, and applying and reapplying a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15 or higher.

所以当你去海滩的时候, 户外运动活动, 于六月, 以及你计划在阳光下的任何其他时间, 照顾好你的皮肤,并教导你的学生照顾好他/她的皮肤. 有一个安全而美好的暑假充满阳光,乐趣和防晒!




夏天快到了!! 我知道有些老师甚至在他们的课堂上进行倒计时, and almost every student that I ask knows how many days are left until we get out for break! 😀我喜欢听你为孩子们这个夏天计划了什么, 我听说过游轮, 去海滩, 夏令营, 还有更多! 

我们在学校还有很多值得兴奋的事情要做!!  我们还有实地考察和荣誉日可以享受!! 哇哦hoooo! 

您的孩子们今年都很努力,学到了很多东西! 我和三到五年级的学生一起研究了一些CTP-5测试策略, some of which included some relaxation techniques……they even let me do some meditation with them! 在k -2年级,我们完成了“享受旅程”的能量巴士规则。. They shared with me all the exciting things they enjoy doing in their spare time that help them enjoy this ride through life. 

在我们即将结束这一年的时候,能和你们每一个孩子一起工作是我的荣幸! 我希望你们都有一个美好的夏天!!!





在澳门银河, spring sports is like a freight train that comes in fast and furious and sometimes it seems like rainouts and rescheduling and transportation and recruiting officials and hosting events on campus just might DO US IN.  但就在你准备举手投降的时候, we watch individuals and teams conquer the obstacles and embrace the struggles and compete with their whole heart and we remember our WHY.


  • 我们男孩的高尔夫球队赢得了他们19年来的第一个地区冠军.
  • Our varsity 棒球 team is 19-4 and has claimed their first region title since 1991 and as it now stands they will host in the first round of state.
  • Our boys and girls 网球 teams qualified for state and the boys are region champs for the first time in 17 years. 我们的女孩得了亚军.
  • 我们的女子田径队又获得了地区冠军,而男子田径队获得了亚军.
  • 我们的男子足球队将主办一场州足球队的首轮比赛, 如果女生排名上升一位,她们也将成为主持人.  

Our middle school programs are also making incredible strides and should impact our varsity programs in a meaningful way when those athletes matriculate to high school. 

这个春天给我们留下了许多特别的回忆,也为我们的成长奠定了坚实的基础. 我们的学生运动员表现出了自信, 字符, 风度, 他们是谦卑的,他们是有决心的, 团队合作, 精神上的坚韧. 这是一件值得体验和享受的伟大的事情,我们还没有结束! 


Join us in celebrating our Varsity athletes on May 16th from 6pm-8pm at First Baptist Church- Fellowship Hall! 我们会认出摔跤, 射箭, 网球, 棒球, 足球, 篮球, track, 还有高尔夫球队. 每位运动员最多可带两名客人. 将为运动员和教练提供晚餐出席的家长需要额外购买门票. 如果你是一个单独来的运动员,我们仍然需要你 请填写这张表格.





Brandilyn Stroup,课程与支持服务部主任

很难相信2022-2023学年即将结束! 在接下来的几个星期里,有许多令人兴奋的事件值得期待, 包括荣誉课程, 年终聚会, 还有其他激动人心的活动. 对于所有年龄段的学生来说,夏天都是学习机会的好时机. 提醒一下, 初二至八年级的学生有一项暑期数学作业, 即将升入5年级至12年级的学生有暑期阅读作业, 所有的AP学生也会有暑期作业. These assignments will be posted on the Bulloch Academy website towards the end of May and are due on the first day of school unless stated otherwise in their packet of materials. 

我们很高兴能在一所经过全面翻新的中学开始2023-2024学年 & 高中教学楼! 随着即将到来的建设计划, please remember that all high school students will be virtual during the week of May 15-19, 在5月22日至24日这周的期末考试中,他们用项目来代替. Teachers will communicate their exact plans and expectations prior to students leaving school for their virtual work. 

Middle school students have the option of attending school May 15-24 in person or virtual, 但父母可能只选择一种选择,而不是两者兼而有之. 面对面 5月15日至24日的学习将在校园的另一个地方进行, 学生必须每天亲自参加. 虚拟的学生 必须在5月15日至24日每天登录才能获得上课学分. 老师会给出具体的说明,告诉学生每天如何登录. 虚拟的学生 必须 每天查看他们的Bulloch Academy电子邮件. If you have not already done so, please make your choice by the end of the day today (April 28th) by 点击这里的链接. 

We hope everyone has a great summer and look forward to starting a new school year on August 14, 2023!



报名现已开放!!! 注册在这里

请在夏令营开始前一周查看您的电子邮件以获取报到信息, 如何进入营地位置, 等,因为施工过程中可能会发生变化!




澳门银河发生了大事!  随着新外墙的升起,我们的高中翻修工作正在全面展开. Pope Construction has been on campus since Friday, March 31st and are working continuously. Our teachers and students are working hard on packing and moving all items into the Howard Arena every spare minute they have while also studying for year-end tests. 5月13日, the interior walls will be coming down and all 高中 students will be virtual learning. 我们把中学的教室搬到了校园各处,以便进行面对面的学习. 当我们8月份返校时,我们的高中将会有一个干净整洁的新面貌. With construction this summer the main front doors of the Cornerstone building will be the only entrance to the school. We will continue with summer elementary camps and upper school summer practice and workouts. Please be aware that construction can cause last-minute changes to how you enter and exit the buildings to get to your events. 请每天检查电子邮件以获取任何更新. Thank you all for being flexible and patient while we strive to improve our academic facilities.


Bulloch Academy has a drop box located to the left of the Cornerstone Front Main double doors that can be used after hours.



9:00 – 1pm






If your family or business is interested in sponsoring breakfast or lunch for our faculty and staff during pre-planning in August (3rd & 4号和7号-11号)请联系Missy Dasher (电子邮件保护) 



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